Learning cursive...

OK, of the 5 readers I have, I am sure to piss two and a half of you off. But I am so miffed about the hubbub surrounding President Obama's speech today and the fact that parents are actually checking their children out of school as to not subject them to the world's most powerful man and his speech. A speech geared specifically towards children on the importance of getting an education, working hard and taking personal responsibility for their actions.

Skeptics say that this speech will brainwash our children into becoming junior leftist lobbyists. I mean, since when did getting involved become a bad thing? As a involved parent, why can't we take this time to enforce our own messages on the heels of the words of "the leader of the free world" regardless of who he is? The information in this speech CAN be used for good instead of "evil", but obtuseness would suggest otherwise. For instance, a local conservative in our paper made a ridiculous statement that children who watched the boobtube could better spend their time learning cursive. I mean, doesn't everyone knows that writing in print shows a definite lack in education?? Let's not forget we are assuming that they are actually "watching" in the first place. Does anything keep their attention for two hours anymore? As a kid, how many black and white 1950 vintage movies did we watch explaining the Dewey decimal system, classroom rules and how to wait in line properly in the cafeteria? Now those were a gigantic waste of time. We spent it writing letters and notes to our friends...sometimes in cursive.

To these parents taking their kids out of school today, good for you, you have accomplished what you sent out to do, leading by example the exact opposite of what Obama is trying to convey...mainly that school is optional and working hard is overrated, as I imagine you have taken time out of your workday as well. Enjoy your break and keep that bar low, and while you're at it go ahead and put on an episode of Sponge Bob and treat those little Republicans to a to McDonald's cheeseburger, because that definitely makes more sense than keeping them in school.

In a nutshell, it shouldn't matter if you are a Republican or Democrat, this may be the only chance for our children to hear a from a President in the tone and verbiage geared specifically towards their young ears. Obama's message that education is the key to personal success (in my opinion) is definitely not one that should be missed based on an individual's ignorance or their hatred for one specific man.

Off my soapbox...tomorrow I will get back to writing about boogers and farts...

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