New Online Toy & Some Friday Fun

Find me on Polyvore

Surfing the net I found this great site called Polyvore, actually I found it listed on the Yellow Ribbons Blog...and it is so much fun. This is just my first attempt-- admittedly it is a little hoochie. I used Peg Bundy as my inspiration.

On a totally separate note, I found another great site,, he was the guest speaker on a podcast I listened too on the 18 hour trip to C. Springs. He says that everyday you should list find the following three things:

1- Something funny
2- Something beautiful
3- Something delicious

So starting with yesterday August 7,2009...

1- Funny- Cheese wrapping up the cat in bubble wrap and asking me for the tape
2- Beautiful- the weather last evening was beautiful, windy, but warm, perfect weather for jeans and flip flops
3- Delicious- I mixed cake batter ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough after downing a glass of wine

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