Lashing out...

And then she poured acid into my eyes... and I immediately thought to myself, well no, my first thought was f**k I am blind. My second was an imagined a scenario where I quickly jumped up turned and grabbed the tech by the throat and proceeded to jam her head into my knee. So it would be my third thought, which know this is totally what I deserve for trying to save a couple thousand YEN and venture out on my own.

Let me back up.

Moving to a new city can be a challenge. From choosing the street you live on to choosing your family dentist. BUT if you have someone on the inside, someone in town that has already done the research, found the right people and places than a transition need not be as daunting. They can help you solve some of the most important questions when moving: where do I get my hair done? my nails? and where can I get a good martini,meal?

So I was one of the "rucky" ones, I had an "in", she knows who she is and without her, my transition to Japan could have been nightmarish, starting with self inflicted enemas on the Japanese toilets and ending with offending an entire restaurant because I left my chopsticks in my rice bowl. She showed me the ropes, and because of her connections I now have a "stylist" a "manicurist", a "trainer" and a freakin "mamasan." SCORE!!! Rife is good.

But soon there comes a time when that Mama bird takes off and leaves that little bird in that foreign tree and that baby bird has to leave the nest one her own, fly away or fall to the ground breaking both legs soon after becoming dinner to the closest predator.

Well it didn't take long until this bird, not only fell out of the nest but hit a couple of branches on the way down. And found her little eyes glued shut after venturing out on her own.

Eyelash extensions-1, Birdie- 0

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